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java:java8:exception:observerexceptionhandlingoflambda [2018/01/21 23:10]
java:java8:exception:observerexceptionhandlingoflambda [2023/06/25 09:48] (目前版本)
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-====== Observer使用Lambda寫法進行通知的例外處理 ​(Working) ​======+====== Observer使用Lambda寫法通知的例外處理 ====== 
 +===== Introduction ===== 
 +<file java FileWatcher.java>​ 
 +public class FileWatcher extends FileWatchdog {
 + private List<​IFileChangedListener>​ listeners = new ArrayList<>​();​
 + static private Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(FileWatcher.class);​
 + public FileWatcher(String filename) {
 + super(filename);​
 + }
 + @Override
 + protected void doOnChange() {
 + try {
 + if( listeners == null || listeners.isEmpty() )
 + return;
 + String newContent = new String(Files.readAllBytes(Paths.get(super.filename)));​
 + listeners.forEach(listener->​listener.update(newContent));​
 + } catch( IOException e ){
 + throw new RuntimeException(e);​
 + }
 + }
 + public void addListener(IFileChangedListener listener){
 + listeners.add(listener);​
 + }
 +假設我有10個listener,當第三個listener執行update時發生了例外,工作是不是就會停止了呢?​ 答案是肯定的。本篇主要分享可能的例外處理方式。
 +===== Handle Exception With A Block =====
 +<code java>
 + try {
 + listener.update(newContent);​
 + } catch( Exception e ) {
 + logger.warn("​Update file info failed.",​ e);
 + }
 +===== Extract Exception Handling As A Method =====
 +<code java>
 +listeners.forEach(listener->​updateEx(listener,​ newContent));​
 +private void updateEx(IFileChangedListener listener, String newContent){
 + try {
 + listener.update(newContent);​
 + } catch( Exception e ) {
 + logger.warn("​Update file info failed.",​ e);
 + }
 +===== Wrapper The Exception Handling =====
 +<code java>
 +public class Errors {
 + static private Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(Errors.class); ​
 + public static <T> Consumer<​T>​ logException(Consumer<​T>​ operation){
 + return i -> {
 + try {
 + operation.accept(i);​
 + } catch (Exception e) {
 + logger.warn("",​ e);
 + }
 + };
 + }
 +上面這種寫法只能針對unchecked exception,假如是checked exception,可以透過Functional Interface做自己的Consumer:​
 +<code java>
 + @FunctionalInterface
 + public interface ThrowingConsumer<​T,​ E extends Exception>​ {
 +     void accept(T t) throws E;
 + }
 + public static <​T> ​ Consumer<​T>​ logException(ThrowingConsumer<​T,​ Exception>​ operation){
 + return i -> {
 + try {
 + operation.accept(i);​
 + } catch (Exception e) {
 + logger.warn("",​ e);
 + }
 + };
 + }
 +===== Apply durian - Error class =====
 +假如不介意相依於第三方函式庫,可以參考[[https://​github.com/​diffplug/​durian|durian]]。它針對lambda的functional interface提供了log、rethrow或者自訂義等例外處理方式,這部分之後我有時間會特別介紹。
 +===== Reference =====
 +  * [[http://​www.baeldung.com/​java-lambda-exceptions|Exceptions in Java 8 Lambda Expressions]]
 +  * [[https://​github.com/​diffplug/​durian|Github - durian]]
 +====== ​ ======