


java:wiremock:launch-wiremock-with-mappings-of-junit [2021/08/16 22:55]
tony 建立
java:wiremock:launch-wiremock-with-mappings-of-junit [2023/06/25 09:48]
行 1: 行 1:
-====== Launch WireMock with mappings file of JUnit ====== 
-===== Problem ===== 
-===== How to? ===== 
-==== WireMockRule ==== 
-<code java> 
-public class TestWithWireMockRule { 
- @Rule 
- public WireMockRule wireMockRule = new WireMockRule(WireMockConfiguration.options() 
- .port(80) 
- .httpsPort(443) 
- .usingFilesUnderDirectory("​./​testdata/​loadMappings/​query"​));​ 
- @Test 
- public void getHttpCode200WhenQueryUser() throws IOException { 
- HttpGet post = new HttpGet("​http://​localhost/​api/​users/​2"​);​ 
- CloseableHttpClient httpClient = HttpClientFactory.createClient();​ 
- try { 
- CloseableHttpResponse response = httpClient.execute(post);​ 
- assertEquals(200,​ response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode());​ 
- } finally { 
- httpClient.close();​ 
- }  
- } 
-==== WireMockServer ==== 
-<code java> 
-public class TestWithWireMockServer { 
- private WireMockServer wireMockServer;​ 
- @After 
- public void teardown() { 
- wireMockServer.stop();​ 
- } 
- private void launchWireMockServer(String testdataPath) { 
- wireMockServer = new WireMockServer(WireMockConfiguration.options() 
- .port(80) 
- .httpsPort(443) 
- .usingFilesUnderDirectory(testdataPath));​ 
- wireMockServer.start();​ 
- } 
- @Test 
- public void getHttpCode200WhenQueryUser() throws IOException { 
- launchWireMockServer("​./​testdata/​loadMappings/​query"​);​ 
- HttpGet post = new HttpGet("​http://​localhost/​api/​users/​2"​);​ 
- CloseableHttpClient httpClient = HttpClientFactory.createClient();​ 
- try { 
- CloseableHttpResponse response = httpClient.execute(post);​ 
- assertEquals(200,​ response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode());​ 
- } finally { 
- httpClient.close();​ 
- }  
- } 
- @Test 
- public void getHttpCode200WhenUpdateUser() throws IOException { 
- launchWireMockServer("​./​testdata/​loadMappings/​update"​);​ 
- HttpPatch patch = new HttpPatch("​http://​localhost/​api/​users/​2"​);​ 
- patch.setEntity(new StringEntity("​{\"​name\":​\"​morpheus\",​\"​job\":​\"​zion resident\"​}",​ "​utf-8"​));​ 
- CloseableHttpClient httpClient = HttpClientFactory.createClient();​ 
- try { 
- CloseableHttpResponse response = httpClient.execute(patch);​ 
- assertEquals(200,​ response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode());​ 
- } finally { 
- httpClient.close();​ 
- }  
- } 
-=====    ===== 