


osprovision:kickstart:ubuntu:networkproblem:basic [2018/11/23 23:33]
osprovision:kickstart:ubuntu:networkproblem:basic [2023/06/25 09:48]
行 1: 行 1:
-{{tag>​Ubuntu kickstart Os_Provision}} 
-====== Ubuntu-server Network Setting Of The Automated Installation ====== 
-===== Basic Process ===== 
-在RHEL/​CentOS、VMWare ESXI與SLES的自動安裝系統流程中,都有pre與post階段。Ubuntu的kickstart檔案,也提供了pre與post區塊;但Ubuntu與其它distribution最大差異在於:​ pre階段並沒載入網卡驅動。它的流程像這樣:​ 
-  - Run pre script。 
-  - Detect HW。 
-  - Install OS。 
-  - Run post script。 
-在Detect HW階段,會去偵測並設定網卡。 
-===== Multiple NICs Warning ===== 
-<code bash> 
-d-i netcfg/​choose_interface select auto 
-<code bash> 
-<code bash> 
-append file=/​cdrom/​example.seed ​ initrd=/​install/​initrd.gz ks=cdrom:/​ks.cfg netcfg/​choose_interface=auto 
-===== Config Multiple NICs ===== 
-<code bash> 
-network --bootproto=dhcp --device=em1 
-network --bootproto=dhcp --device=em2 
-<code bash> 
-%post --interpreter=/​bin/​bash ​ 
-network_devices=($(ls -I lo /​sys/​class/​net)) 
-for device in ${network_devices[@]};​ 
- check_config=`cat $FILE_NET_CONFIG | grep $device` 
- if [ ! "​$check_config"​ ]; then 
- echo auto $device >> $FILE_NET_CONFIG 
- echo iface $device inet dhcp >> $FILE_NET_CONFIG 
- dhclient -r $device 
- dhclient $device 
- ifconfig $device down 
- status="​up";​ 
- until [ -z "​$status"​ ] 
- do 
- status=$(ifconfig |grep -e '​^$device ') 
- sleep 1 
- done 
- ifconfig $device up 
- fi 
-設定static ip的方式等到我有做再分享。 
-===== Reference ===== 
-  * [[http://​askubuntu.com/​questions/​617558/​preseed-doesnt-automatically-select-network-interface-on-ubuntu-14-04-automate|automatically select network interface problem]]